Property Taxes
Thank you for your interest in our property tax appeal services. We understand the frustration you face with your ever-increasing property tax burden, and we’re ready to put our extensive experience to use to fight for the tax reduction you deserve!
Our Process
To start the process, click here. Once we have your property information and $100 evaluation fee, will review your particular property to determine if we feel an appeal is prudent by our firm. If we determine that it’s worthwhile for ZCWS to file an appeal on your behalf, we will begin to compile all relevant evidence in order to substantiate the largest possible reduction. Unlike some other tax appeal services, our attorneys have extensive experience and knowledge in the area of property tax appeals, so we know what evidence will result in the most drastic reductions.
In certain cases, we may recommend that you secure an appraisal. While it is rarely required to achieve a reduction, it may be obvious that a larger reduction would be likely with the submission of the appraisal. An appraisal is always necessary for commercial property appeals in order to ensure the largest possible reduction.
Before filing the appeal, we work with the township assessor to negotiate a reduction in your assessment. In some cases, the assessor will agree to a reduction. If we cannot reach an agreement with the assessors, we file a formal tax appeal on your behalf and represent you at the McHenry County Board of Review Hearing. Please Note: The deadline to file an appeal is 30 days after the publication of your assessment.
Our Services
We handle the entire tax appeal process for you from start to finish. Our services include preliminary negotiations, obtaining all relevant evidence, preparing the petitions, filing the formal appeal, and attending the Board of Review Hearing.
Our Fees
For these services, our fee is $100 evaluation fee, paid at the time you retain us, plus to review your property. If we determine after the evaluation that an appeal is warranted, the fee is 45% of the estimated tax savings for the following year, based upon the adjustment in EAV by the Assessor or the Board of Review. Anything you save in future years is yours to keep. The tax savings estimate is the result of the reduction in EAV that we achieve multiplied by your current local tax rate. If your property was appraised or purchased on or after January of the current year (or close thereto), the $100 initial fee will be waived.
Please note that this will not reduce your tax burden for any payments that are currently due to the County. Taxes in McHenry County are paid in arrears; meaning the tax bill you are paying this year is for the last full calendar year’s taxes. We look forward to working with you in lowering your property assessment and continuing our tradition of success.