About the Property Tax Appeal Board

About the Property Tax Appeal Board

Heather Kroencke PC: If you did your assessment appeal on your own and were not successful at the local level; either you went in front of the board of review and did not receive a reduction or you gave them permission to decide without a hearing and did not receive a reduction in that regard, all is not lost and you can file an appeal to the Estate Appeal Board, also know as the Property Tax Appeal Board.

It’s called the Property Tax Appeal Board and you have some leeway with the type of evidence you used at that level. The downside of doing that is that there are going to be a quite a lot of time between when you file your appeal and when there is resolution to the matter. It’s not as clear-cut and straightforward as filing it at the local level but you do preserve your right to a potential reduction for that year.

You are on a very short deadline to file to the state as well so it’s very important that once you receive your notice of final decision from the board of review; you either decide if you need to file to the Estate Appeal Board or not within 30 days.